Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day Fourteen _ Lenten Devotionals 2010

Scripture Text for today: “After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:27-28)

The Motivation of a Call: Ted Engstrom once wrote of a Christian businessman from America who was traveling to various mission fields of the world. One day he found himself in northern India near a leprosarium. Outside of the walls of this leprosarium he saw an unusual sight: a lovely young missionary nurse who was attending the desperate needs of a filthy, wretched, leprous Indian beggar. There is nothing more distressing than that kind of a sight. Tenderly this young lady was ministering to this leprous beggar before he was admitted into the leprosarium. The businessman had his camera strung around his neck, but he couldn’t shoot any film. He paused at the sight, then withdrew a few feet. Tears filled his eyes, and he said to the young nurse, “Young lady, I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars.” Quickly she turned to him and said, “Sir, neither would I.” Ted W. Engstrom

Meditation: If a man is called to preach the Gospel, God will crush him till the light of the eye, the power of the life, the ambition of the heart, is all riveted on Himself. That is not done easily. It is not a question of saintliness, it has to do with the Call of God.—Oswald Chambers

Prayer for today: Dear Lord! Grant me today more faith and obedience so that I can trust, obey, listen, and do the Great Commission without complains or excuses. Amen.

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