Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lenten Devotional (Day Thirty Two)

Pastor Latt

Via Dolorosa – Six Station - Here Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

FACT: Jesus' journey is at times brutal. He has entered into the terrible experiences of rejection and injustice. He has been whipped and beaten. His face shows the signs of his solidarity with all who have ever suffered injustice and vile, abusive treatment. He encounters a compassionate, loving disciple who wipes the vulgar spit and mocking blood from his face. On her veil, she discovers the image of his face - his gift to her. And, for us to contemplate forever.

GOD’S WORD: “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to myself” (John 12:32)

INSPIRATION: A well-known physician had died. His widow, in trying to collect the money owed her husband, found that he had written in his record book with red ink across many names the words, "Forgiven; too poor to pay."
When she brought the book up to the courthouse, the probate judge asked:
"Madam, is this the handwriting of your husband?"
"Yes, sir, that is his writing."
"Well, then, it will have to stand."
"Forgiven; too poor to pay." Those words have been written over the name of every soul in the world who has come to the foot of the cross asking for help. Nobody that ever has been born has been rich enough to pay the debt of sin charged against us. It is a debt that we ourselves can never pay.

MEDITATION: What does the face of Jesus hold for me? What do I see, as I look deeply into his face? Can I try to comfort the agony and pain? Can I embrace him, with his face so covered with his passion? The veil I behold is a true icon of his gift of himself. This is for me. In wonder and awe, I behold his face now wiped clean, and see the depth of his suffering in solidarity with all flesh. I say what I can say, to express my gratitude.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to never take my faith for granted. Help me to remember what a great privilege it is to be invited to follow you. Help me to find ways to express my love for you in service to those in need. Foe this I pray in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Amen.

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