Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Relief Ministry Report from Burma

Pastor Latt

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Read the following message from Michelle Chang who sent this message from Yangon. They are preparing to help the victims and their families for the first trip. We will receive more detail news very soon. Thank to everyone for your generous donation for our suffering fellow countrymen and women in Burma. It is ongoing ministry and you can continue support them through our church. Check payable to "First Burmese Baptist Church of San Francisco" and "Myanmar Cyclone Relief Fund" at the memo. Then send it to:

Attn: Burma Cyclone Relief Fund
First Burmese Baptist Church of San Francisco
380-21st Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

Here is message from Michelle and mission team:
".... We bought 34 bags of rice, beans and salt and packed them into 1000 small packages. We are planning to donate rice, beans, salt, mosquito nets, clothes (longyi for the men and women, tee shirts for the children), blankets, and plastic sheets to make tents (in Burmese called Tha Paw Lin). They are colored blue and a little costly. We were told that it is expensive and not that many people donate tents, but that's one of the items that they need the most. We are planning for 800 households to start for the first group. We are also planning to give lunch to the homeless this Wednesday.

This Saturday, we are planning to go to the Delta and we have about 25 volunteers that are going with us. They have been to the Delta before and they know what to expect. We are doing everything ourselves, including buying and packing. We will apply for a permit before we leave on Saturday. We will be very careful and thank you to you and the Church members and friends who are praying for us. I think we are very lucky and thanks to God for allowing us to meet the group of volunteers that have experience and know what the people need and have given us advice.

We also ordered the tee shirts for the volunteers and the kids with a FBBCSF logo on the front and the bible verse that you gave us on the back.

I will give you an update after Saturday. Thanks again for your prayers.


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