Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lent Season Daily Devotional (Day Ten)

Pastor Latt

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)

INSPIRATION: When the Communists overran China, missionary Isobel Kuhn escaped on foot with her young son, Danny, across the dangerous snow-covered Pienma Pass. She finally arrived at Myitkyina in Upper Burma, but there she was stranded "at the world's end" without money, unable to speak the language, and still half a globe away from home. "I cannot tell you the dismay and alarm that filled me," she later wrote.

But in her perplexity, she made two decisions. "The first thing is to cast out fear," she said. "The only fear a Christian should entertain is the fear of sin. All other fears are from Satan sent to confuse and weaken us. How often the Lord reiterated to His disciples, `Be not afraid!"' So Isobel knelt and spread her heart before Him. "I refused to be afraid and asked Him to cast such fears out of my heart."

Her second determination was to "seek light for the next step." She had no idea how to get out of Asia, but with God's help she could figure out what to do that day to provide food and funds, to find a safe place to stay, to find a means of communicating with the outside world.
Eventually she arrived back home, safe and sound, but it came by trusting God for guidance in small increments, taking the journey one footprint at a time.

When you don't know what to do next, cast out fear and seek light for the next step. Trust God for guidance in small increments; and if you can't see what lies dimly in the distance, do what lies clearly at hand.

MEDITATION: God says, “Fear not…” (Isaiah 41:10) – don’t fear for anything. The Christian has no fear that faith cannot cancel (Luke 8:25). Fear paralyzes, It stops us our tracks and halts the advance of the kingdom of God into the kingdom of Satan; the kingdom of light into the kingdom of darkness (Colossians 1:12-14). Satan wants nothing more that to paralyze God’s saints – to halt their progress in holiness and to stop the spread of the gospel. If you are paralyzed by fear, ask God to deliver you. Say, “Lord, I am afraid! Deliver me from evil. Deliver me from all my fears.”

PRAYER: Pray for the spiritual strength and courage to face the future. Pray for our brothers and sisters to be covered with God’s protection. Pray also for the spreading of the gospel through us as God’s useful instruments.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Makha said...

Dear Saya, the daily devotionals uplift me with great strength and calmness in times when I extremely need God's refuge. Thank you so much.