Monday, March 17, 2008

Lenten Devotional (Day Thirty Five)

Pastor Latt

Via Dolorosa – Ninth Station – Here Jesus falls the third time.

GOD’S WORD: “We had all gone astray like sheep, each taking his own way, and Yahweh burdened him with the sins of all of us.” ( Isa. 53: 6)

“There will be more rejoicing in heaven over the sinner who repents than over ninety nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15: 7)

FACT: This last fall is devastating. Jesus can barely proceed to the end. Summoning all this remaining strength, supported by his inner trust in God, Jesus collapses under the weight of the cross. His executioners look at him as a broken man, pathetic yet paying a price he deserves. They help him up so he can make it up the hill of crucifixion.

INSPIRATION: Jesus came to church, dressed in rags today
No one recognized him, they told him "Go away"
They were oh, so worried, of what the town might wonder
And in anxiety and fear, they pulled their biggest blunder!

"Hide this man in the back, and pray the guests won't see"
"Jesus, Jesus", they called out, "Lord, hear our plea"
"The millionaire from town is here, and now this bum is too"
"Help us, help us, help us Lord, what ever shall we do?"

And as they led sweet Jesus, by the hand, way to the back
I saw a tear fall from his eye, for those now off the track
He came to search the hearts, you see, of those now in the pews
And in his heart he wept aloud, at how they spread "GOOD NEWS"!

No one said a word to Jesus, not one, all day long
They gathered round the millionaire, and helped him learn a song
And as they sang and raised their hands, praising King and Lord
Jesus sat there crying, at how he'd been ignored!

MEDITATION: I pause to contemplate him there on the ground. The brokenness that makes me whole. The surrender that gives me life. I pause to experience and receive how completely he loves me. He is indeed completely poured out for me. As I treasure this gifted experience, I express what is in my heart.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I believe and trust in you. Help my unbelief. Help me to turn to you more fully and me to accept the gift that you offer through your suffering on the way to the cross. When I trust in you My life has a sense of order. Help me to always be able to believe and trust in your manifestation of your salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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