Friday, March 14, 2008

Lenten Devotional (Day Thirty Four)

Pastor Latt

Via Dolorosa – Eighth Station – Here Jesus meets with women of Jerusalem

GOD’S WORD: A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children...For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" (Luke 23:27-28).

INSPIRATION: Anthusa lived from 330 to 374 A.D. in Antioch. Widowed at the age of 20, she is remembered for her influence in the life of her son, John Chrysostom, one of the greatest preachers and leaders of the 4th-century church. Her contemporaries described Anthusa as cultured, attractive, and from a wealthy family. Yet she chose to not remarry after her husband's death, deciding instead to devote herself to rearing her two children, John and his sister. Anthusa provided for John the ablest teachers. Her Christian example made such an impression on one of her son's teachers that he exclaimed: "What wonderful women are found among Christians!'" John later wrote that his mother not only taught her children to know and love the teachings of the Bible, but also that her very life was a model of biblical teaching.

A student of law, rhetoric and the Scriptures, John was ordained by Bishop Meletius and later became bishop of Constantinople. A zealous missionary himself, he inspired numerous others to serve as missionaries. And he always emphasized that a crucial factor to effective evangelism is for Christians to be living examples of Christ-centeredness. A lesson he had learned from his mother Anthusa.People are watching you to see if Jesus Christ DOES make a difference in your life. Are you setting an example to others? Today in prayer, confess any sin in your life and turn to the Lord and follow His example of goodness.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we are truly honored that you consider us part of your family. May we never cease to be amazed by the extent of your love. Open our eyes that we might truly see the need of those around us. Guide us in knowing how to respond. Help us to be true support to those in need. We pray these in Jesus name. Amen.

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